One more big dimensions Pedrini Multiwire Machine installed in Poland

R&R GRANITY, a polish company based in Strzegom, has been dealing with the production and commercialization of natural stones both local and imported from all over the world since 1995, offering its customers a wide range of high-quality materials.
In 2009 R&R purchased a fully automated Pedrini line for granite slabs equipped with the polisher Galaxy with 16 heads.
To continue the excellent relationship of esteem and trust between the two companies, the owner Mr. Andrzej Rogoz together with the arrival to the company of his son Karol, has recently decided to renew its cutting department by replacing an old multiwire machine with the new Pedrini Multiwire Jupiter GS220 with 56 wires for the cutting of both 2 - 3 cm thickness slabs and higher thicknesses, mainly 4, 5 and 6 cm according to his own needs.
The tool used by the new purchased Pedrini multiwire machine, compared to the previous machine, is thinner and brought significant production advantages to the R&R:
- Increase of the block yield in terms of m²/m³
- Reduction of energy consumption
- Reduction of sludge
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