How is marble cut at an industrial level?

Marble cutting at an industrial level is a complex and highly specialized process that requires the use of advanced machinery to ensure precision and efficiency. In this article, we will explore the marble cutting process, the importance of using advanced industrial machinery, and the solutions offered by Pedrini in the sector.

In this article, we will cover:




How are marble blocks cut?


Il processo di taglio dei blocchi di marmo inizia con l'estrazione dei blocchi dalla cava per poi trasportarli alle strutture di lavorazione dove si inizia il processo di trasformazione in lastre. Il taglio dei blocchi di marmo in lastre è la prima operazione del processo di trasformazione.


Per eseguire un taglio a regola d'arte, è necessario utilizzare attrezzature professionali come multifilo con fili diamantati, telai con multilame diamantate, tagliablocchi a dischi diamantati. Queste macchine, tra le altre dotazioni di cui sono corredate, utilizzano sistemi di raffreddamento ad acqua degli utensili diamantati che preservano il marmo dagli stress indotti dall’azione di taglio.



Trust Pedrini's professionalism for cutting marble into perfect slabs.


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The importance of an industrial machine for marble cutting


Industrial machines have revolutionized the marble cutting process. Before the introduction of these advanced technologies, marble cutting was a manual, slow, and error-prone process. With the advent of these new machines, the industry has seen significant improvements in terms of:


  • Precision: Modern machines can perform cuts with high accuracy, ensuring high-quality mass production


  • Speed: Advanced equipment allows for increased production speed without compromising quality


  • Waste Reduction: The use of advanced technologies minimizes material waste, optimizing marble usage


  • Safety: Automated machines reduce the risk of workplace accidents, ensuring a safer environment.



Entrust your marble to Pedrini



Pedrini offers cutting-edge solutions for marble block cutting. Our machines are designed to maximize efficiency and quality, ensuring excellent results at every stage of the processing cycle. With a range of products that includes diamond wire marble cutting machines and polishing machines, Pedrini is the perfect solution for companies looking to enhance their natural stone processing operations.


For marble cutting, Pedrini offers various products, including:


Multiwire Jupiter GS230 TECH12 - The MULTIWIRE JUPITER TECH12 by Pedrini is a multiwire machine for cutting marble blocks, designed to produce 12 mm-thick slabs. It uses 5.3 mm diamond wires and offers models with 48, 60, 72, and 108 wires. Launched in 2019, this machine ensures flexibility, reliability, and high production capacity, increasing the yield of the block to 55.5 m² per cubic meter cut. The benefits include lower transportation and slab installation costs, higher block yield, and reduced waste.

Multiwire Jupiter GS230 - The MULTIWIRE JUPITER GS230 is a multiwire machine for marble blocks cutting designed for the rapid production of slabs using diamond wires. Available in various models, it stands out for the number and diameter of the wires (7.3 mm – 6.3 mm – 5.3 mm). The hydraulic system ensures precise tensioning, while the flywheel and wire guide rollers ensure uniform slab thickness. The machine is equipped with an intuitive graphical interface for programming the cutting cycles, offering maximum flexibility, reliability, and high production capacity.


Gang saw GS131 - GS131 is a modern-designed gang saw for cutting marble with diamond-segmented blades. It features a fixed-height blade holder frame and a lifting block-holding platform. With 80 blades, it ensures high-frequency and precise cuts, even at maximum lowering speeds. The unique "pendulum" system ensures smooth, frictionless movement. The presence of robust mechanical components offers exceptional quality and long-term reliability.

Block cutter M586 - The block cutter M586 is a 4-column machine ideal for cutting marble blocks. With vertical discs (from 1300 to 1700 mm) and a horizontal disc, it allows for precise cuts on a stationary block. The open structure facilitates the use of automatic loading and unloading systems. Equipped with motors up to 220 HP, the M586 ensures maximum cutting speed, optimizing the production of strips.

Choose excellence in marble cutting, choose Pedrini.


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